National Day of Persian Poetry and Literature held in Pakistan

  • تاریخ شروع : Sep 18 2021
  • تاریخ اختتام : Sep 18 2021
National Day of Persian Poetry and Literature held in Pakistan

September 18, the death anniversary of the Mohammad Hossein Behjat Tabrizو mainly known by his pen name Shahriar, has been named the National Day of Persian Poetry and Literature in Iran with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution.


In this regards a cultural gathering was held in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan Province, with the presence of Hassan Darvishvand, the consul general of Iran.


Well-known personalities of Pakistan's Balochistan including writers, poets, university professors, students, and members of the media praised the strong cultural and historical commonalities between the two neighbors, especially the similarities between Sistan and Baluchestan Province of Iran and Balochistan Province of Pakistan on the need for effective measures to promote. They emphasized the culture and customs between the people of the two countries.


In this literary conference, Darvishvand thanked several professors and poets of Persian in Balochistan Province by presenting a plaque of appreciation.


Pakistani thinkers highlighted the deep roots of Persian language and literature in Balochistan Province and their historical affinity with Iran.


The consul general of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Quetta, referring to the deep roots of the common literature and culture of Pakistan, especially the Province of Balochistan with Iran, said that the deep and common language and culture is the inseparable link between the two countries.

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